
112 posts

The Prayer Meeting

The Prayer Meeting Each Wednes­day night at 6:00 pm a free meal is pro­vided by Mar­tinez Bible Chapel in the fel­low­ship hall. All are invited to join us for din­ner and to spend time together. We believe that gath­er­ing together in cor­po­rate prayer is of utmost impor­tance for believ­ers in […]

Our Doctrinal Statement

Our Doctrinal Statement The Bible is inspired of God, inerrant, and the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. (II Timothy 3:16)There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4; John 1:1) The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully […]

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper On the night on which He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper with His disciples. He did so on the night of the Passover feast, anticipating His coming sacrifice as the true Lamb of God. As He passed the bread and cup to His disciples, He […]

Contact Us

Contact Us Contact Us: Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message Can we answer any questions for you about the way we meet or the way we approach teaching the bible? These conversations are important, and they are dear to our hearts. You can also visit us: 4352 […]


Home Martinez Bible Chapel is a non-denominational local church that meets solely unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We aim to follow the Bible as our source of instruction, and our foremost goal is to glorify the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. At Martinez Bible Chapel we […]

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