Gathering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Prayer Meeting

The Prayer Meeting

Each Wednes­day night at 6:00 pm a free meal is pro­vided by Mar­tinez Bible Chapel in the fel­low­ship hall. All are invited to join us for din­ner and to spend time together.

We believe that gath­er­ing together in cor­po­rate prayer is of utmost impor­tance for believ­ers in a local church and that an effec­tive prece­dent was set by the early church as they con­tin­u­ally devoted them­selves to prayer (Acts 2:42).

At Mar­tinez Bible Chapel, every Wednes­day night at 7:00 pm a period of time is devoted to the study of Scrip­ture and then a time is devoted to prayer. Men are pro­vided the oppor­tu­nity, and have the respon­si­bil­ity, to pray and offer thanks­giv­ing to the Lord audi­bly on behalf of the saints. It is a valu­able oppor­tu­nity to be together, be of one mind, and be thank­ful and dili­gent to pray for oth­ers and to be led by the Lord.